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Terms & Conditions

Horsforth Happy Hounds Limited
Terms and Conditions
  • At the point of making a booking with us, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

  • ​Use of the field is at your own risk - as the owner you are responsible to be in control of your dogs and the safety of your dogs at all times

  • It is the responsibility of the customer to assess whether weather conditions are suitable for use of the area. 48 hours notice is required to amend any booking

  • Arrival: Directions to Horsforth Happy Hounds Limited are available on the Website. When you arrive, there is a combination on the access gate to the car park. You will receive the number for this gate in the confirmation email.

  • Please ensure this gate is closed and locked behind you before you let any dogs out of the car. 

  • You are responsible for your dogs safety. Horsforth Happy Hounds Limited are not liable for any accidents or injury to your dogs.

  • All equipment and obstacles are strictly for dog use only, you must assess if they are suitale for your dog, and used entirely at your own risk.

  • You will also have received a combination for the access gate to the dog field. You are responsible to ensure this gate is closed behind you.

  • There are cameras on the entrance to monitor times and keep everyone safe.

  • ​Parking in the area provided is at your own risk – Horsforth Happy Hounds Limited is not liable for any damage, accidents or loss items left in your vehicle.

  • Please do not arrive more than 5 mins before your booking. There is space to wait outside the gate. Please respect the booking before you and do not enter the enclosed car park area until the previous client is ready to leave.​

  • Departure procedure - Your session end time is the time you should be leaving the exercise field. Please ensure you close the gate. You will have 10 minutes to wash off your dogs if necessary and depart the parking area. Please respect other field users and their right to have an uninterrupted session that they have booked for themselves and their dogs.​

  • Horsforth Happy Hounds Limited reserves the right to close the land and stop any bookings for maintenance, storm damage or repairs, as necessary. Any bookings affected will be contacted immediately.

  • ​Your time slot is just for you. No one else will be using the space in that time frame. It is your responsibility to arrive on time. If you are late on arriving, you will still need to leave at the end of your time booked as there will be another appointment straight after you.

  • ​Under no circumstances should a dog receive aggressive enforcement from a human whilst at the park. Any negative training or handling seen, you will be told to leave with immediate affect. You will lose all future bookings, and will not be refunded.

  • ​Off lead exercise in the park is at your own risk. We have a 6ft fence surrounding the exercise area, you must be in control of your dog at all times.

  • ​Dogs should not be left unattended at any time. You should accompany your dog(s) at all times such that you are aware of what they are doing and can ensure they are safe and are complying with these terms and conditions.

  • ​All equipment is for use of dogs only. ​​

  • Children must be accompanied by an adult and be aware of how to conduct themselves appropriately around your dogs. You are responsible for their safety at all times.

  • The field and wooded area can be uneven and slippery. Horsforth Happy Hounds Limited are not liable for any trips of falls in any of the park areas.

  • ​All Customers must ensure the area is suitable and secure for their specific use before letting any dogs off their leads.

  • ​​Dogs must be up to date with their vaccinations/titre tests, flea and worming treatments.

  • ​If your dog(s) is unwell (sickness/ Diahorrea etc) or shows signs of Kennel Cough, please get in touch to reschedule your booking. 

  • Please pick up any dog poo and dispose of in the bins provided - please take your own rubbish home with you.

  • ​​No Smoking and No glass bottles

  • ​The limit of dog numbers is 4​​

  • ​Cancellations & Refunds - We do not offer refunds, we will happily rearrange your booking once to another date/time as long as 48 hours notice if given.

  • ​Horsforth Happy Hounds Limited reserve the right to withdraw permission to use the facility at their discretion, where individuals have not complied with the rules or conditions of use

  • ​This park is for Private hire only. No Professional dog walkers trainers etc without prior arrangement. (please contact via email to discuss)

  • You are liable for any breakages or damages, by yourselves, your dogs or your vehicles while visiting the park, and will be charged accordingly should anything need mending or replacing. All damages/breakages must be reproted via email.


Banned breeds (Including XL bullies from 1.1.24) - specific terms and conditions:

To use the field must be able to meet the following criteria: 

  •  The dog is registered with the index of exempted dog (IED) and a copy of the life certificate can be obtained and provided  to us in the event of a claim.​

  •  A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog can be obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.

  • The dog handler ratio is 1:1 with their handler at all times - (Handler ratio for homes with multiple dogs - if you have more then one dog the XL Bully must have one handler, then another handler from the same household for the other dogs. For example - one XL Bully and two other non band breeds, you will need one person for the XL Bully and one person for the other two dogs.)

  • The dog is Neutered - some XL Bully's will be too young depending on their age by 1st Feb, in these cases specific age related guidance by the government should be followed​

  • The dog is Micro Chipped​

  • The dog is muzzled at all times - The muzzle can be removed once secured in the private field - you must lock yourself inside the exercise area using the bolt on the inside of the gate, the muzzle must be worn in the carpark area at all times.

  • The field is private property with no public access passing through​

  • The field is securely fenced and locked so the dog cannot escape​

  • The dog is kept on a lead until the gate is shut when entering the field - including when in the car park area at all times.​

  • The dog is put back on a lead before opening the gate to leave the field into the car park area.

Further information including the definition of an XL bully can be found here:

 The governments definition of an XL bully dog can be found here.

© 2022 Horsforth Happy Hounds

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